Pathogenes mission is to develop molecular tools for the diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases.
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis. You’d be surprised what was known in 2002
Putative mechanism of CRP’s relationship to polyneuritis equi assay results
Field Effectiveness Study for PNE
Innate immune responses to S. neurona
S. neurona SAG 6 gets attention
Cell danger response: EPM or PNE?
Identification of biomarkers to slow neurodegenerative diseases
Pathogenes Newsletter January 2023
EMD or EDM What's the difference?
The difference between “EPM” testing formats
Predicting the severity of EPM is possible
What is the difference between EPM, EMS, and PNE (polyneuritis)
Gathering Data on EPM and PNE (polyneuritis equi)
The MP2/MPP ELISA in the differential diagnosis of polyneuritis (PNE)
Interpreting S. neurona antibody tests
Can polyneuritis be diagnosed with NfL found in serum, plasma, or exosomes?
Test twice, treat once The PNE (polyneuritis) plan
Innate Biomarkers for EPM and PNE (polyneuritis)
At the bench at Pathogenes…acute phase EPM markers
Co-infections: EPM and Lyme
A non-clinical synopsis of polyneuritis equi (PNE)
PNE (polyneuritis) case analysis
S. neurona parasites to paresis
Why aren't there any EPM tests?
Treating asymptomatic horses for EPM is a bad idea
Pathogenes Testing Options
George Vulfs in memory
Your pregnant mare and EPM
Polyneuritis equi (PNE) is not EPM
Levamisole nonenzymatic breakdown products
The do's and don'ts of Western Blot testing for EPM, and Sarcocystis sp.
EPM testing: what does a test measure?
EPM Clues from Sarcocystis falcatula
EPM case analysis
Thirteen steps to where we are